Healthfirst Viera 3rd Floor Covid Conversion

Coastal Mechanical was awarded the 2021 ABC Excellence in Construction Eagle Award.
The purpose of this project was to give Health First Viera Hospital the ability to convert their entire 3d floor to “Pandemic Mode” with the flip of a switch. If multiple isolation rooms were needed at once, the entire floor would be capable of exhausting up to 13,400 CFM’s from the north end and 14,500 from the south end. Each patient room needed its own air flow monitoring station so the return control dampers could modulate as needed.
Project Scope
- 2-Air Handlers
- VFD’s
- Fire Sprinkler
- Chilled Water Piping System
- Condensate Piping System from Mechanical Equipment to floor drain provided by others.
- Fans and Intakes
- Ductwork and Accessories
- Duct Cleanliness per SMACNA
- Duct Cleanliness Standards Level C
- Fire Wrap on Outside Air and Exhaust
- Fire, Smoke, Fire/Smoke Dampers as shown on mechanical drawings.
- Temperature Controls
- HVAC Insulation
- Test and Balance assistance only
- Vibration Isolation
- Coordination of Housekeeping Pads
- Equipment Tie Downs
- Access Panels
- Firestopping
- Collection of self generated trash and debris
Quick Facts
Type: Lump SumSpecialty Contractor/Mechanical
15,800 CFM Climate Craft unit
17,600 CFM Climate Craft unit
Contract Value: $1,324,458.00
Duration: 47 Days
4,023 man hours
80% Self-Preformed
24/7 round the clock progress
Zero Accidents with minimal hospital disruption